Federal Government - BOM Targeted By Hackers
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has declared war on cyber attackers. He did so while unveiling Australia's new, AU$230 million cyber security strategy - and confirming that government agencies had indeed been the targets of a cyber attacks.
"I can confirm reports that the Bureau of Meteorology suffered a significant cyber intrusion which was first discovered early last year, and the Department of Parliamentary Services suffered a similar intrusion in recent years," he said. Officials had said that they believe the BOM attack came from China. Australia's answer to these intrusions, according to the PM, is to have the ability to launch cyber attacks of its own.
"An offensive cyber capability housed in the Australian signals directorate provides another option for Government to respond," said Mr. Turnbull. "The use of such a capability is subject to stringent legal oversight," he added.
The Australian Crime Commission believes that cyber attacks take about a billion dollars out of the economy every year. Some assessments are even higher. To that end, part of the strategy will be for the government to reach out to the private sector to form closer collaborations with business. Nearly $39 million of the budget will be used to build a new Australian Cyber Security Center that gives better access to the private sector., and teh PM will convene annual meetings with business leaders.