Government - Brandis Slams Hanson Burqa Stunt
Apparently, other peoples' clothing are just a big joke to the One Nation crew. But Pauline Hanson's decision to wear a Burqa in the Senate chamber appears to have back-fired, big time.
Hanson entered the chamber wearing the full-body covering favored by some very strict Muslim women to make some kind of point in calling for a national ban.
"To ridicule that community, to drive it into a corner, to mock its religious garments is an appalling thing to do," said an appalled Attorney General George Brandis, rejecting any ban on the burqa. "I would ask you to reflect on that," he added, standing up for almost half a million Australian Muslims he described as "law-abiding citizens".
The Guardian newspaper described the stunt: "It feels a bit like your two-year-old sitting in the middle of the living room with a bag over her head to get attention." Most observers either rolled their eyes or shook their heads at the clown show.
"To mock its religious garments is an appalling thing to do," Senator Brandis said - coalition senators applauded, while Labor and Greens senators gave him a standing ovation.
"I want to thank you for showing leadership in this chamber, leadership that is so often lacking in this Parliament," said Greens leader Richard Di Natale.