Government, Energy, Green, Health - Wind Farm Noise Study Compared To UFO Research
The Clean Energy Council says it will "absolutely cooperate" with the government's investigation into fringe accusations that noise from wind power farms could cause illness by affecting sleep, balance, mood and cardiovascular health.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull directed National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) to spend AU$3.3 Million on two studies on whether proximity to wind turbines - which are pushed by wind, and do not act as propellers or big, giant fans - could negatively impact health. Previous NHMRC studies have already found that this isn't the case.
Still, the Clean Energy Council's Alicia Webb says, "We're absolutely confident we'll come back with a clean bill of health and so have all the international studies that have been undertaken into this."
In other words, the truth is already out there.
One of Australia's leading wind farm researchers told the ABC that it's a waste of taxpayer money to shell out funds on studying a settled issue.
"A minority of wind farms have received any complaints at all, and something in excess of 70 percent of all complainants come from just six wind farms," University of Sydney's Emeritus Professor Simon Chapman said. "And, what characterises those wind farms? Well, they're characterised by agitating opponent groups coming into those areas and spreading anxiety and concern," he added.
Professor Chapman disagrees with PM Turnbull's characterization of the new studies as a "reasonable exercise".
"There are people who are anxious and worried about all manner of extremely low or non-existent risks and agencies like the NHMRC don't quarantine money for that," he said. "I mean they don't put money aside for people who believe that UFOs are landing and are going to infect us."