Government, Research - QLD Chief Scientist Charged
Queensland chief scientist Professor Suzanne Miller has been charged by the Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC) with allegedly filing false private health insurance claim worth $45,000.
The CCC alleges Professor Miller dishonestly gained private health insurance as an employee of the Queensland Museum, where she is CEO, between February 2014 and July 2017. Miller has made bail, with the conditions that she surrender her Australian and UK passports. She's also been ordered not to contact past or present museum staff, board members, or potential witnesses in the case.
Miller has been stood aside as QLD's chief scientist, which comes as a blow to state officials who won't comment on the criminal case but praise her job performance.
"The chief scientist has a very important role in Queensland and she has been incredibly successful in terms of putting science front and center, not just in Queensland but in Australia," said Science Minister Leeanne Enoch. "In terms of our World Science Festival, we've seen over 180,000 people in Queensland, in Brisbane celebrating science, and she's played an incredibly crucial role in all of that," she added.