Green - Global Warming Will Be Deadly
Global warming will lead to tens of thousands of additional heat-related deaths every year in China, according to a new study.
But if nations get their act together and come up with a plan to limit global warming to 1.5 C degrees over pre-industrial levels - rather than the 2.0 C degrees, as specified in the Paris Climate Accord, as many as 30,000 lives a year would be saved.
"All countries in the world need to work together to limit the global warming, since this would significantly reduce risks and the impacts of climate change,” Chinese Academy of Sciences ecologist Su Buda said.
The study projected that 50 to 67 people per million would die from heat-related causes if climate change was kept under 1.5 C degrees. That number balloons to 60 to 80 people per million if Earth were to see 2 degree C (3.6 degree F) warming. The finding shows “an additional 0.5 degree C warming … will result in an additional 27,900 to 33,200 thousand heat-related deaths per year," Buda said.