Health, Government - Experts Resign From Trump's HIV Council
Six members of the United States Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS (PACHA) have resigned in anger, saying that Donald Trump doesn't care about HIV.
"The decision to resign from government service is not one that any of us take lightly," wrote Scott Schoettes, Counsel and HIV Project Director at Lambda Legal, in an op-ed for Newsweek. "However, we cannot ignore the many signs that the Trump administration does not take the on-going epidemic or the needs of people living with HIV seriously."
Mr. Schoettes is HIV positive. He added that the Trump administration were disheartened that Trump never once called upon them to develop HIV-AIDS policy, and were horrified to learn the administration is writing legislation that would harm people with HIV and "reverse gains made in the fight against the disease". The six appreciated President Barack Obama whose Affordable Care Act (ACA) "benefited people living with HIV and supported efforts to combat the HIV/AIDS epidemic". Trump and the Republican-controleld legislature are trying to repeal the ACA.
PACHA was formed more than 20 years ago by then-President Bill Clinton, and its charter was renewed by President George W. Bush.