Heath - Weight Loss Can Reverse Type 2 Diabetes
A third of people who went on a low calorie diet to lose substantial amounts of weight also reversed their Type-2 Diabetes and were still in remission after two years.
The study published in The Lancet is based on a trial called "Direct" is still going on in Scotland and Tyneside in northern England. So far, it's showing that Type-2 Diabetes is not a life sentence.
"We now understand the biological nature of this reversible condition," said Professor Roy Taylor from Newcastle University, the co-primary investigator of the study. "However, everyone in remission needs to know that evidence to date tells us that your type 2 diabetes will return if you regain weight," he added.
The weight management program required test subjects to restrict themselves to a special diet of no more than 800 calories a day for twelve to 20 weeks. After that, they recorded support from a nurse or dietitian to help them keep the weight off.
After the first year, 46 percent had reversed their type 2 diabetes; at year two, 36 percent were still in remission.
"People with Type 2 Diabetes and healthcare professionals have told us their top research priority is: 'Can the condition be reversed or cured?' We can now say, with respect to reversal, that yes it can. Now we must focus on helping people maintain their weight loss and stay in remission for life," said Professor Mike Lean from Glasgow University, who led the study with Taylor.