Telstra's free data day on Sunday set a record for the most amount of data downloaded over a 24-hour period on the company's mobile network.  This was to compensate millions of customers who couldn't access their mobile services when Telstra's network went down for several hours last month.

The telco released a statement saying that people downloaded 2,686 terabytes of data.  That's equal to about 3.4 million HD movies.  The previous record was 1,841 terabytes of data set on the previous free data day in February, which was compensation for yet another outage that occurred earlier.  On Sunday, users passed surpassed 1,841 terabytes at four o'clock in the afternoon.

One user who set an individual record for downloaded data in February decided to outdo his personal best over the weekend, telling the ABC that he downloaded all 14 seasons of Mythbusters, which came out to 359 GB, plus 191GB worth of The Simpsons, and another 15GB to download the Wikipedia database.  Other users binge watched TV shows and movie series.

With all of the interest in the free data day, many Telstra customers said they couldn't even get on the network because so many other people were downloading everything they could.