The author of the book “How to Survive the Bulls of Pamplona” either isn’t taking his own advice, or is going to have to add “..uhm Most of the Time” to the tome’s title. Chicago-based author Bill Hillman is laid up in hospital after a hoofed and horned literary critic decided to take issue with his work.
“When I fell, the bull fell with me and gored me in one motion,” said Hillmann, who spoke by phone with a reporter from his hometown newspaper. “The horn went in one side of my thigh and exited the other side and he pulled it through.”
Hillman is at least the second person to get his thigh aerated by the big giant beasts. A Spanish man was gored earlier in the week. And according to these photos, the bull seems to have picked the worst possible place for a man to be gored. View at your own risk.
Dozens of people get hurt in the Running of the Bulls every year, but most of them are injured in falls. The bulls don’t fare as well, as 48 of them are killed in the daily bullfight.