Planes are taking off from Perth to rejoin the search for missing Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 in the Indian Ocean off the west coast. Day 24 will concentrate on finding specific objects spotted earlier that searchers might give some clue as the to fate of the missing 777-200ER.
The crew on the RAAF P-3 Orion spotted four objects described as greater than two meters in length and orange.
“I must stress that we can’t confirm the origin of these objects. The details of these, in association with a GPS buoy have been passed on to our rescue coordination center,” said Flight Lieutenant Russell Adams who added, “We were able to rule a few out as fishing buoys and fishing nets.”
The problem is the search zone lies in a shipping lane where sea trash is abundant. Earlier objects fished out of the Indian Ocean turned out to be “fishing equipment and other flotsam” – part of the plastic soup that fouls the oceans.
Also happening today, the ADV Ocean Shield is getting into the search for MH370, departing Perth with device that will listen for the homing signal from the missing plane Flight Recorders, as well as an underwater vehicle. However, it will take the ship three to four days to reach the search zone.