The New South Wales Supreme Court has taken control of the A$5 Billion Rinehart family fortune from Gina Rinehart, and handed it to her eldest daughter Bianca.  NSW Supreme Court Justice Paul Brereton ordered Gina to deliver documents and accounts relating to the Rinehart trust to her oldest daughter.

Bianca and her brother John Hancock waged a three and a half year war for control of the trust.  Brereton said Bianca was better suited than any of the alternatives to administer the trust, noting that Gina had gone to “gone to extraordinary lengths” to maintain direct or indirect control.  Rinehart’s children complained Gina engaged in misconduct by failing to notify them that she had changed the dates at which they could access their money.

Youngest daughter Ginia Rinehart was the only one of the children to side with Gina.  Another daughter, Hope Rinehart Welker, originally supported Bianca and John Hancock, but she dropped out of the case because of stress and settled for a measley $45 Million.