Remember Australia’s extreme rainfall in 2012? It also happened in New Zealand. And a new report says those and other major weather events in 2012 are definitively linked to Global Warming.
Researchers with the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the British Meteorological Office contributed to the 84-page study of 2012’s wildest weather events. They concluded that Global Warming caused half of them. Of the rest, the researchers say they did not establish a link, but neither was Global Warming ruled out as the cause.
This is the second year that NOAA and the British meteorology office have teamed up to look at the greenhouse gas connection to the previous year’s unusual events.
“We’ve got some new evidence that human influence has changed the risk and has changed it enough that we can detect it,” study lead author Peter Stott of the British meteorological office.
Other events linked to Global Warming are 2012’s US heat waves, the flooding caused by Superstorm Sandy in the Eastern US, the disappearance of Arctic sea ice, and European drought.