Talks to solve the Nuclear Crisis with weren’t expected to produce any results, but at least Iran calls it a “positive step” while acknowledging more work is necessary. And at the very least, two more contacts are scheduled between Iran and those who would halt its nuclear weapons program.
Negotiators from Iran met with representatives from the “P5+1” group made up of US, UK, France, China, Russia and Germany.
They agreed to talk some more: Technical experts from both sides would meet in March in Turkey, and the P5+1 group would meet with Iran again for another round of talks in April. The political talks are taking place in Kazakhstan.
Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin, left out of the talks, is attempting to throw some gasoline on the fire by calling for unspecified “military sanctions”.
Netanyahu has long held that Iran’s nuclear program is a threat to the world, and says economic sanctions are not persuading Tehran to give up its nuclear drive.