Israel is being accused of Apartheid-style ethnic segregation after starting a bus service for Palestinians-only. This was apparently done to placate Jewish settlers who claimed Arab passengers were ''a security risk'' because of past suicide bombings.
The bus travels the Trans-Samarian Highway between the West Bank and Tel Aviv, where many Palestinians work.
Israel’s transport ministry says the scheme was ''designed to improve the service for Palestinians entering Israel''. Human rights groups such as the Arab-Israeli “Women For Civil Disobedience” say it is ''blatant racism''.
What’s more is that while the government insists that Palestinians won’t be barred from any bus, the drivers on the route say they’ve been told to stop Palestinians attempting to use standard service and point them to the segregated bus.
An Israeli woman kicked off the complaints process when she was appalled by Israeli troops herding Palestinians with valid work permits onto the segregated buses.