A prominent group of environmentalists, broadcasters, and UK Members of Parliament are calling on Chinese President Xi Jinping to finally put an end to his country’s ivory trade and save the African Elephant from extinction caused by poaching.

The latest reports from Save the Elephants and the Aspinall Group say that more than 100,000 elephants killed from 2010 to 2012 for their Ivory.  Despite the 1989 global ban on Ivory, most of it winds up in China, where a growing middle class is feeding the demand.  China had just 31 legal ivory shops in 2004, which skyrocketed to 145 last year.  Ivory carving factories have increased from nine to 37 in that same period.

“Skyrocketing demands for ivory in China – the wholesale price of raw elephant tusks has tripled in just four years since 2010 – have sparked a booming trade in smuggled ivory that is driving the unsustainable killing of elephants in Africa,” said the group’s joint report.

Now, in an open letter to the Chinese President, “Action for Elephants UK” writes, “It is no secret how ivory is obtained, and the brutal chain of killing, criminality, and violence that characterizes the ivory trade.”  The letter details how the illegal ivory trade contributes to the culture of corruption and bribery that undermines African governments and development. 

“Ivory products are a luxury commodity that encourages extravagant consumption, socially irresponsible spending, and illegal practices, all of which run counter to your fiscally responsible and anti-corruption policies,” the signatories implore of President Xi.  “The buying and trading of ivory surely belongs in the past, not in a Modern and progressive China.”

Signatories to the “Action for Elephants UK” letter include such people as Sir David Attenborough, Ricky Gervais, and Joanna Lumley from the broadcasting and entertainment wing; Dr. Richard Leakey, Will Travers and Virginia McKenna, and Ingrid Newkirk lead the list of conservationists and animal rights advocates.