New Zealand is sharply criticizing Japan for allowing the notorious “Shonan Maru 2” whaling boat to enter NZ’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Tokyo’s ambassador to Wellington is being call in to get an earful.
The whaling ship was following the Sea Shepherd anti-whaling vessel Steve Irwin. But New Zealand Foreign Minister Murray McCully says the entry was “unhelpful, disrespectful and short-sighted” and summoned Japan's top diplomat to express New Zealand's “deep disappointment.”
The Japanese Embassy declined immediate comment Monday.
NZ’s Labour and Greens are calling on the Government to up the ante on Japanese whalers who breach New Zealand waters. Labour's foreign affairs spokesman David Shearer says the government “needs to ensure that the Japanese Government is left in no doubt that New Zealanders see this move as deeply disrespectful. The Government must continue to hold Tokyo to account for this act.”
“It is offensive that Japanese whalers are in New Zealand waters. The Government should lodge a formal diplomatic protest through the New Zealand Embassy in Tokyo,” said Kiwi Green Party oceans spokesman Gareth Hughes.
“New Zealand can act like Australia has and lodge a protest in Tokyo,” Hughes added.