The polls indicate that Venezuela’s acting President Nicolas Maduro is on track to win that office for a full term, in a special election to replace the late President Hugo Chavez. But if the election were an Internet argument, he’s already lost for violating “Godwin’s Law”.
In the increasingly nasty rhetoric of Venezuelan elections, Maduro has dropped the “H Bomb”:
He said supporters of his conservative opponent are the “heirs of Hitler”, because of their opposition to Cuban doctors and artists working with the Maduro campaign.
On the Internet, that sort of hyperbole is called “Godwin’s Law”, when "an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."
And Nic Maduro became that one.
But still, recent polls indicate that Maduro would get about 58 percent of the vote in the 14 April elections, beating the conservative opponent Enrique Capriles, who lost to Chavez late last year.