After several hours of reportedly tense negotiations, Ireland’s cabinet has approved allowing Abortion to save a mother’s life. Pro-choice groups say it’s a small victory that will only help a minority of women.
Taoiseach Enda Kenny says “The Protection of Maternal Life” bill doesn’t actually change the law, but clarifies it in relation to a 1992 Supreme Court ruling. Judges at that time ruled that abortion should be permitted when a woman's life was at risk, including from suicide.
Critics say Doctors should have honored that decision in the case of Savita Halappanavar, the Indian-born Dentist who died last year when doctors in Ireland refused to save her life with a pregnancy termination, and who was reportedly told, “This is a Catholic country”.
Groups opposed to Women’s Reproductive Rights claim that abortion-on-demand will now be available to any women who makes a suicide threat. Yeah, they said that.
But Pro-Choice activists are not thrilled.
“It is a testament to how truly horrific the situation currently is for Irish women who have an unplanned pregnancy, that this proposed legislation is actually a victory,” according to Mara Clarke, founder and director of the Abortion Support Network. She points out that every week, 85 women who can afford to get on a plane or boat to Europe to have abortions.
“Women with money have options,” Clarke said, “women without money have babies.”
Parliament still must approve the bill.
Ireland and Malta are the only two European Union countries that still ban abortion.