Sudan is backtracking over reports that it would release Meriam Ibrahim. She’s the woman who was sentenced to death for religious apostasy because a Sharia Law court decided that she was a Muslim who married outside her faith – even though she was raised as a Christian.
“(I am) not aware that any release is imminent,” said Sudan Foreign Ministry spokesman Abu Bakr al-Sideeg, who pointed out that only the courts could reverse the sentence and release the 27-year old. Yesterday, Ibrahim’s lawyer suspected the Sudanese government was floating a false report to try and take international attention away from a cse of flagrant injustice. And Meriam’s husband Daniel Wani dismissed the reports of an imminent release from prison as “rumors”.
“No Sudanese or foreign mediator contacted me. Maybe there are contacts between the Sudanese government and foreign sides that I’m not aware of,” Wani said.
Last week, Meriam gave birth to a baby girl in prison, where she is already caring for her toddler son. The Sharia law court had delayed the death-by-hanging until two years after she delivered the baby.