Uruguayan Leftist candidate Tabare Vazquez has easily won the presidential runoff election, extending the winning streak of the ruling Broad Front Coalition.  It’s the second time Vazquez has been elected President of Uruguay and gives a mandate to some incredibly progressive policies.

“I promise to work my utmost but I cannot, should not and do not want to work alone, I want to count on all Uruguayans,” President-elect Vazquez told party loyalists on Sunday night.

Outgoing President Jose Mujica is also a member of the Broad Party, but is barred by the constitution from running for a second consecutive term.  Such restrictions became popular in South America to prevent a return to the fascist strongman-style of government that stained the land from the 1960s through the ‘80s. 

Vazquez had earlier endorsed Mujica’s decriminalization of Marijuana and will now oversee its implementation.  He also supported legalization of equal marriage rights for LBGT people in one of Latin Americans most Left-leaning republics.  During Vazquez’ first presidency from 2005-2010, his bold social spending and pro-business policies led to a decade of robust growth in which poverty was slashed.