Conflicting reports are emerging from Southern California after a wild day that saw one police officer killed and another wounded in a gunfight with a suspect assumed to be Chris Dorner, the ex-LAPD officer suspected deadly attacks on other police officers and the daughter of a former cop. Some reports say Dorner's body was in a mountain cabin that burned to the ground in a police standoff. But the Los Angeles Police came out later and said that no such identification has been made, and the ruins were still too hot to enter and search for a body. Even if the official identification is pending, one thing is for certain: The roadblocks are down, the manhunt appears to have stopped, and officers are no longer going door to door on California's Big Bear Mountain.
Earlier in the day, a man matching Dorner's description car-jacked a vehicle; got into a running fire-fight with California Fish and Game Wardens, trading as many as 100 rounds; shot at two more Police Officers, killing one and wounding the second. This suspect was pursued into a cabin and quickly surrounded by police who held down the situation until a SWAT unit arrived. Police waved off Television News helicopter and Federal Authorities briefly declared the equivalent of a no-fly zone over the mountain.
Smoke began pouring from the vicinity of the cabin, and the News Choppers were able to move into a position to broadcast live video of the cabin burning pretty much to the ground. At this point, Dorner is suspected in four murders.