Japanese whalers late Sunday acting under the cover of darkness attacked and attempted to disable the anti-whaling ship MY Bob Barker in the Southern Ocean – That’s the allegation from the anti-whaling activist group Sea Shepherd.

The conservationists say two Japanese harpoon tried to use steel cables to jam its propellers and rudders from close range – a violation of laws aimed at preventing collisions at sea.  These high seas confrontations between the Japanese and Sea Shepherd are common, and this is the second such showdown in a month.

Captain Peter Hammarstedt said he had been tailing the notorious Japanese factory ship Nisshin Maru since the morning, but when night fell the harpoon boats attempted the stunt with the steel cable.

Hammarstedt said he radioed the Japanese ships to inform them that his operations were “completely lawful and that any aggressive action on their part would be reported to the Australian government and New Zealand Search and Rescue.”

“I have nine Australians and one New Zealander on board as part of my brave crew who have endured this ruthless assault,” he said.

The Japanese government has yet to comment, but blamed earlier confrontations on the conservationists.