While Vatican watchers try to glean a clue of which Cardinal will rise from the ranks of the Conclave to become the new Pope, a group of clergy sex abuse survivors is telling Cardinals whom they should not pick.
David Clohessy of the US-based Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) says the groups wants “to urge Catholic prelates to stop pretending that the worst is over regarding the clergy sex abuse and cover up crisis," and that, "Tragically, the worst is almost certainly ahead."
SNAP released a list of 12 potential papal candidates it calls “The Dirty Dozen”.
Australia’s Cardinal George Pell is criticized for trying to seal a potentially damning court file, accuse a survivor of lying, and for dismissing the accusations of clergy sex abuse victims by claiming the church was a victim of "smears."
Cardinal Marc Ouellet of Quebec, Canada is considered by some to be a front-runner. But SNAP says he brokered a deal with authorities that allowed sexual "wrongdoers determine their own punishment." He also refused to meet with sex abuse victims.
Ghana’s Cardinal Peter Turkson could be the first modern Pope from Africa. But he claimed that there were few child-molesting clerics in Africa because they didn’t tolerate gay people there. Psychiatrists have long acknowledged that there is no link from homosexuality to child molestation.
SNAP says no current Vatican insider should become the next Pope because of the Vatican’s role in attempting to cover up the global problem of clergy sex abuse.