Godwin’s Law is that adage that states if an argument on the Internet goes on long enough, sooner or later someone will compare someone else to Hitler or the nazis.  And when PM Tony Abbott did just that during Question Time, a Jewish MP got up and walked out.  It’s Tony’s second nazi gaffe in as many months.

This all happened at Question Time when Abbott called opposition leader Bill Shorten the “Dr. Goebbels of economic policy”.  Cackling, Abbott repeatedly said, “I withdraw, I withdraw.”  Joseph Goebbels was one of Adolf Hitler most loyal deputies, but he was propaganda minister, not economic minister.  In the uproar that followed, Speaker Bronwyn Bishop kicked out Labor frontbencher Mark Dreyfus, whose father fled the nazi regime at age 11.  That caused a second Jewish Labor MP, Michael Danby, to get up and leave out of disgust.

Danby later spoke with the ABC and said that Abbott “can slag us as much as he likes but it is silly to use an example of the ultimate evil in politics”.

“He’s the Prime Minister – he is supposed to have standards,” Danby said.

Just last month, Abbott made light of the worst evil of the 20th century.  Taking a question about the growing jobless rate he said, “There was a holocaust of jobs in Defense industries under members opposite.”