Uganda’s president is being condemned for signing a ridiculous law that punishes gay sex with up to life in prison. It places the country’s embattled LGBT community in grave danger not just from the authorities but also from a fevered anti-gay sentiment now legitimized in the African country.
“They”re disgusting. What sort of people are they?” said dimwitted President Yoweri Museveni, who claimed the bill is defense against the West’s supposed promotion of homosexuality in Africa.
“I never knew what they were doing. I've been told recently that what they do is terrible. Disgusting. But I was ready to ignore that if there was proof that that's how he is born, abnormal. But now the proof is not there,” he bumbled on.
But the proof, of course, has been there all along. Dean Hamer, scientist emeritus at the National Institutes of Health, wrote an open letter to the Ugandan scientists in the New York Times last week urging them to reconsider and revise their report.
Among his responses to their conclusions: “There is no scientific evidence that homosexual orientation is a learned behavior any more than is heterosexual orientation.”
Negative reaction was swift.
“This legislation will institutionalize hatred and discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people in Uganda. Its passage into law signals a very grave episode in the nation's history,” said Michelle Kagari of Amnesty International.
“The UK strongly opposes all discrimination on any grounds. We question the Bill's compatibility with Uganda's constitution and international treaty obligations. There can be no doubt that this Bill will increase persecution and discrimination of Ugandans, as well as damage Uganda's reputation internationally,” said British Foreign Secretary William Hague. “We will continue to press the Government of Uganda to defend human rights for all, without discrimination on any grounds.”
The White House is calling for the law to be repealed and US President Barack Obama is reassessing the US relationship with Uganda. Unfortunately, it was America’s insane and hate-motivated religious right supported Uganda’s anti-LGBT bill. And at least two states – conservative “red states” – are considering legislation that would legalize discrimination against LGBT under the guise of “religious liberty”.