An openly Gay ex-friar-turned-journalist is calling the Vatican’s Gay Sex scandal a “ticking time bomb”. One Cardinal who might have helped choose a new Pope is forced to resign amid Gay rumors. Another faces fresh allegations of covering up priestly child abuse.
But at least the Pope knows what color shoes he’ll wear next week.
Let’s start with former Dominican friar Mark Dowd who says Gay men are vastly over-represented in the Catholic Church. He says he knows that because of his personal experience and from numerous conversations he had with other clerics.
Dowd says “about half, if not more, of all the people attracted into seminaries in the priesthood are gay themselves.” He says that leads to a “culture of secrecy and guilt and repression,” and ultimately a lot of blackmail which will cause problems down the road.
Outgoing Scottish Cardinal Keith O’Brien is said to be very upset over the accusations from his own priests claiming “inappropriate behavior”. The published reports did not identify the priests or their specific accusations. He says he’s not sure what he’s accused of (and yet he resigned anyway). O’Brien has been very outspoken against Gay rights.
Meanwhile, activists are trying to stop Los Angeles’ Cardinal Roger Mahony to pull out of the conclave because of his role in covering up numerous acts of clergy sex abuse of children. The scandal already led to him stepping down as leader of L.A.’s Archdiocese, but he still gets to vote for Pope and shows no sign of backing down.
And we’re learning more details about Pope Benedict’s retirement. He will still be addressed by the faithful as “his holiness” and his title will be “Pontiff Emeritus”. But Benedict is giving up his trademark red Prada shoes. The Vatican says Benedict has taken a liking to a pair of brown loafers. Not off the rack, mind you, these were handcrafted for him by artisans in Leon, Mexico during last year’s visit.