An accused Nazi war criminal permanently avoids trial – South Africa gets real tough on a Rhino poacher – Your toothache is nothing compared to what this kid went through – And a lot more in your CareerSpot World News Briefs:
The death toll from the plane crash in Taiwan is now officially 48. Only ten people survived the crash, which happened when the TransAsia Airways flight attempted to land on a resort island in the Taiwan Strait in heavy rain at the tail end of a typhoon. Despite the rain, officials say the visibility was one mile, and conditions were favorable for landing.
Accused Nazi death camp guard Johann Breyer died in a Philadephia hospital before being extradited from the US for trial. The 89-year old died just after a judge signed an order for him to be sent back to Germany, where prosecutors maintain he was a guard at Auschwitz complicit in the murder of more than 200,000 Jews at Auschwitz during World War Two. Breyer lived in the US for 60-years before being arrested, and maintained his innocence.
South Africa sentenced a Rhino poacher to 77-years in prison, a clear sign that poaching a species to near extinction is no longer tolerated in at least some quarters of Africa. Mandla Chauke killed three baby rhinos in Kruger National Park. Poachers killed a record 1,004 rhinos in South Africa in 2013; they do it for the horns, which are smuggled to Asia for use in completely useless, and mostly superstitious “traditional” medicines.
The trial of opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez has begun in Venezuela’s capital Caracas. He’s charged with instigating the deadly violence surrounding anti-government protests, which left 42 people dead over several months. The democratically elected Socialist government did not topple, and the protests eventually tapered off, and protest leaders are mostly fighting among themselves these days.
Somali’s al-Shabab Islamist militants shot and killed Saado Cali Warsame, a popular musician and Member of Parliament. The terrorists said she was targeted for his politics, not her music. Her most-famous song was “Land Cruiser”, which criticized then-President Siad Barre and his government for buying expensive cars and trucks and then asking for international aid to feed starving masses. Barre was overthrown in 1991, and she spent the majority of the Somalian civil war in Minneapolis where there is a Somalian community. Warsame returned to Somalia in 2012 to represent her clan in Parliament.
Rival groups in the Central African Republic have signed a peace deal aimed at ending more than a year of conflict that pit Muslims against Christians. The most important feature of the deal is that the Muslim Seleka rebels dropped demands to partition the country. Thousands of people died in the conflict and more than a million were routed from their homes.
A teenage pilot and his father are dead after their small Beechcraft Airplane crashed into the Pacific Ocean near Samoa. 17-year old Haris Suleman and his father Babar were trying to fly around the world in 30-days to raise money to build schools in impoverished areas of Pakistan. They were on the final leg of that journey, but witnesses saw the plane go down in the water about a mile shy of Pago Pago. Family members say they trained to survive Ocean crashes, but that training only goes so far.
17-year old Ashik Gavil of India told his parents his jaw hurt, and they could see it was swollen, so they took him to a dentist in Mumbai. It turns out Ashik didn’t have “a” toothache – he had 232 of them. The condition is called a “complex composite odontoma”. Two doctors from Mumbai JJ Hospital’s dental department hit the thing with a hammer and chisel, and teeth started coming out, eventually reaching 232. Yes, that’s a world record; a maximum of ronly 37 teeth had been extracted in previous cases. The Doctors set Ashik’s jaw right again – he now has a standard set of 28 teeth.
Sad news from Argentina, an elderly and chronically depressed polar bear has been ruled “too old” and fragile to survive being sedated and moved back to Canada. An online petition had asked that 28-year old “Arturo” be moved to a colder climate, instead of Mendoza, Argentina, where temperatures can get about 30 degrees. Arturo has basically been going mad with loneliness after the death of his partner two years ago.