Hello Australia! - An errant anti-choice activist is due to be deported - A US Sheriff vehemently opposed gun control before a gun massacre in his town - Is Russia "untrustworthy" about its goals in Syria? - And more in your CareerSpot Global News Briefs:
A US anti-abortion rights extremist has lost his bid to stay in Australia, after showing up at Melbourne Airport earlier without a visa. Justice Geoffrey Nettle of the Melbourne High Court said that Operation Rescue's Troy Newman did not "come to this court with clean hands", and highlighted Newman's "consummate disregard" for coming here even though he knew that his visa was canceled. Newman has called for doctors who perform terminations to be executed for murder. United Airlines might face a fine for flying him to Oz without a proper visa.
Officials in Roseburg, Oregon in America's Pacific Northwest have lowered the death toll in a mass shooting at Umpqua Community College to ten lives lost, including the shooter, and seven people injured. Earlier reports indicated 13 dead and 20 injured. The shooter is now identified as 26-year old Chris Harper Mercer, an extremely confused person who identified himself as a "conservative republican" on a dating website; appeared to have idolized the Irish Republican Army; and didn't care for religion. In fact, witnesses claim that Mercer asked students if they were Christian before he killed them.
In his last media appearance of the day, Douglas County Sheriff John Hanlin encouraged reporters not to use Chris Harper Mercer's name. "Let me be very clear, I will not name the shooter," Hanlin said. "I will not give him the credit he probably sought prior to this horrific and cowardly act." But while Hanlin was putting himself on an ethical pedestal, there are questions about his past statements on the root of the tragedy, guns. After the December 2012 massacre of six- and seven-year olds and their teachers at the Sandy Hook Elementary school in Connecticut, Hanlin wrote to the White House about gun control - to oppose it. He vowed he would not enforce new gun-control restrictions that were "offending the constitutional rights of my citizens", adopting the paranoia espoused by the US gun lobby that says any attempt to keep weapons out of the hands of loons is an attack on gun rights. Chris Harper Mercer was armed with three handguns and an assault rifle.
French President Francois Hollande holds talks with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin later on Friday. This comes after Russian MiGs carried out air strikes on anti-government targets in Syria. Russia claims it is attacking Islamic State (IS), but the indications are the Russians attacked groups affiliated with the broader goal of getting rid of Syria's President Bashar Al-Assad - the Kremlin's ally. Hollande is expected to push Putin into guaranteeing that the Russian attacks will be limited to Islamic State.
Federal Justice Minister Michael Keenan says Russia's statements and actions in the Syrian War don't add up. "The problem is their motives are just not trustworthy, and the strikes that we saw over the past 24 hours have not been targeted against (Islamic State) positions," he said.
At least 11 people have died in the crash of a US C-130 Hercules transport aircraft crashed at Jalalabad Airport in Afghanistan. Six of those killed worked for the US military, while the others were civilian contractors. The Taliban took responsibility for the crash, but the US says the cause is still under investigation.
The Afghan military is still engaged in fierce battles with the Taliban in the northern city of Kunduz, despite government claims of taking the city back. At one point, the Taliban pushed government troops out of the main square and raised its flag again. It's the first time in 14 years that the Taliban has been able to take-over territory. but it's a blow to teh government that it hasn't been able to reclaim the city any faster.